Sunday, August 02, 2009


"which is better? being a nice person or a mean person?"

"times flies. i swear it flies. 6 months has passed, so many things had happened. Life wasn't easy for those period of time. It's been a long time since our whole family can go out together."

"And no. it's impossible we're gna eat out together again."

"Sorry but not everyone's so fortunate. i'm not pathetic but neither am i as lucky."

"stop comparing."

"stop lying. stop being scared."

Told ya, i think A LOT.
and no im not weird. grrrr

Today is a quiet day for me. Shhh~
Pan wei bo is in singapore today at imm and st james power stn.
I couldn't go because of ndp.
damn i am very very very depressed nao.

Supposed to go for the flea market at St James power stn but was cancelled :(
bye to my shoppingz.
I think i shall just make do with lot one tmrw. Cotton on got new stocks. *wink wink

this is my future bedroom... HM